Managing your time, what comes first?

How can you manage having one on one time with Jesus when your life is too crazy or too hectic or so it may feel that way…

Y’all, Jesus is all around you, it’s the choices and sacrifices that you have to make in order for that relationship with him to work. Whenever a worship song comes on the radio and you leave it on and sing and think about God. Boom, right there you are pressuring him or at least trying. I think it’s so unrealistic how many christians have a “checklist” of things they need to check off everyday in order to be “right” with Jesus. Well, the truth is, they probably don’t even check off those things on their lists. How many of you actually read the bible daily? How many of you pray daily? How many of you talk/spend time with Jesus daily? Not everyone lives this lifestyle and if you do that is so great. I guess what I’m trying to say here is you don’t have to have a check list for Jesus he already loves you. Personally, I talk to God daily and I try my best to pray daily. However, I don’t read my bible daily. Yet, he still blesses me and loves me non the less. I’m not saying to never read the bible but, don’t feel like something bad will happen if you don’t check off every single thing on your so called “Jesus” checklist. He loves you for YOU. Not what you “owe” him or what you think you owe him.

How do you still keep Jesus number one in your life when you have a serious boyfriend/girlfriend?

If Jesus isn’t number one in that relationship, if he isn’t the center and the most constant thing in your relationship. Well, I’m just going to be real with you… you’re going to struggle and idolize other things in that relationship that shouldn’t be idolized. I am in a very serious relationship. Marriage will be in the next 2 to 3 years for us, for our family. We both try constantly to put Jesus first, not saying we don’t mess up from time to time. But, God blessed us with one another and the gift of unconditionally love for our relationship to grow stronger. Jesus has his hands guiding us daily. How can we NOT put him first and honor what he has blessed us with? One of my all time favorite things that I love about my boyfriend is how he worships Jesus. I love seeing him worship and play the guitar on stage and see him give everything over to Jesus. It’s truly a beautiful thing and it warms my heart to the fullest. I love his love that he has for the Lord.

Most importantly, how can you always keep Jesus in your life? 

Jesus is always there, he is always around, he knows what you’re doing of every second of every day. Ask yourself this… what do you do that makes you feel the most connected with God? Whatever that is, always continue to do such. He only wants your heart and there are so many windows to your heart but, you have to let him be the biggest window. You have to let him enter your heart and into your life. He never wants to cause you pain or suffering. He will never put you through something you can’t handle. It may be hard from time to time because, sometimes throughout life you are thrown into something that has no plan or stability. That’s where Jesus comes in and you can TRUST and let him be that solid ground of trust and faith that you stand firmly on. Jesus doesn’t want your story to be painful to preach he wants it to have a purpose, he wants it be purposeful because he is the only constant purpose in your whole entire life.

Check out this awesome video that inspired me to do this blog! So good!

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