Same drugs.

One of my favorite songs at the moment is “Same Drugs” by Chance the Rapper. It really speaks to me and his lyrics have such a powerful meaning behind all of them. The lyrics always have a story to tell and I love that. Personally, a lot of my friends and family have been addicted or controlled by heroin at some point in their life. It’s a sad, dark and lonely place to be in not only physically but mentally. I have been seeing a lot of hate, spiteful words and major negativity lately on social media and also just by word of mouth. About heroin addicts, drug addicts and recovering addicts. This is a very sensitive subject for me. I’m not trying to make drugs a positive thing or say that it is a good choice or thing to pursue in life. But, I think we should have some grace here. We are all human and addicts and recovering addicts are just like you and I. We’re all equal and we are all here, here on this earth. I read this and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I love this so much. “Nobody ever starts using heroin thinking “You know what sounds like a great idea today?  I should develop an addiction that will ruin my entire life.”, Nobody. So for those of us who haven’t ever used it, I am tired of hearing “Let the scumbag addicts die.” Or variations of that. First of all, not every addict is a scumbag just like not every drug free person is a fantastic human being. Second, most of us will never know how it feels to have a disease that takes over your life. The real scumbags here are the people who think addicts deserve to die. That’s the purest form of evil that exists next to heroin and that’s a fact.” I’ll just leave that there… let you process all that. “Same Drugs” describes the relationship between Chance and a girl from his childhood. Realizing that they no longer share the same interests and experiences that they did as children, Chance reflects nostalgically on their shared youth and explores his own feelings of loss around growing up. Throughout the song, Chance uses the story of Peter Pan as a allegory to illustrate the story he is trying to tell throughout the song.” A lot of people assumed that this song was about doing drugs and thinking that this was a song about encouraging drugs. Every word has a meaning just like every human as a meaning. Certain drugs are a mistake just like killing, cheating and much more. We all have committed a crime in our lifetime and dealt with the consequences whether it being serving actually jail time or living with a lifetime full of mental consequences for the actions we’ve done. We all sin. We are all sinners. But, sometimes we have to ask ourselves can you honestly say that “We don’t do the same drugs no more?”

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